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About Action Backers

Action Backers is a state of the art sports betting and analytics education platform. Designed to help you become a better sports bettor, Action Backers provides you with the tools you need to make smarter bets. Established in 2018, Action Backers is a team of sports betting experts, data scientists, and developers who are passionate about sports and sports betting education.


What started out as a blog, Action Backers quickly grew into a full fledged sports betting and analytics education platform. The Action Backers team needed a way to meet the demands of their customer base, and expand beyond simple spreadsheets and videos.

Core features of the Action Backers platform would include:


The solution was to build a full stack web application that would incorporate all of the requested core features. Broken Toaster’s team were up to the task and built out a full-stack application, using industry standard frameworks. As well as the accompanying website, which was built using Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and TypeScript.

We at Broken Toaster were also responsible for the design and branding of the application, and provided all of the SEO and copywriting for the website.

Next.jsNext.js is a React framework that provides a way to build server-side rendered and static web applications using React.
TypeScriptTypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that provides static typing and other features to JavaScript.
Tailwind CSSTailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that provides a way to build custom designs without writing custom CSS.
PlanetscalePlanetscale is a database as a service that provides a way to build and scale relational databases.
PrismaPrisma is a database toolkit that provides a way to build and scale relational databases.
StripeStripe is a payment processing platform that provides a way to accept payments online.
StrapiStrapi is a headless CMS that provides a way to build and scale content management systems.


Within weeks of launching the new Action Backers platform, the Action Backers team saw a massive increase in their customer base, and have gone on to make over 6-figures in profit.

Disclosure: Both Action Backers and Broken Toaster Digital were built and founded by Kellen Bolger.

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